Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Hmm Whats this?

So last night I was checking email and Blayne was in the room with me watching the fish and playing. I hear him say "hmm whats this?"...followed by some pounding with his cup on the floor. humm whats this is'nt really an odd thing for him to say, but after the pounding I decided to see what he was up to. I look down and there it is, not far at all from my bare feet is a huge semidead scorpion.......I guess he's not afraid of bugs. I didnt want to scare him so I said" oh, good job, but lets tell mommy and let her help us when we find those kind of bugs because they can sting us and make us cry".
I couldnt believe my 2 yr old killed a scorpion. I think he was rather proud of himself for killing such a big bug. I am just glad it didnt sting him and wonder what it was doing in the house. Now I am watching everywhere I step. eek. oh, and also paying attention when Blayne says" humm, what's this".

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Holy cow! I don't know if I would have that calm of a reaction to a scorpion:) Good job!!